• Protect Your Business Before a Hurricane or Tropical Storm

Protect Your Business Before a Tropical Storm or Hurricane in 2024

Getting a business or organization back up and running after a high-impact weather event or catastrophe can be challenging, stressful and costly. However, proactive measures and a strong recovery plan can minimize some of those threats and help a business return to normalcy more efficiently.

The following checklist is designed to help business leaders formulate a plan that protects their people, organization and assets before a hurricane or tropical storm arrives.


  • Set up a system that helps you locate and communicate with employees, clients and partners during a hurricane or other disaster.

  • Know your inventory of assets, where they’re located and how to protect them from water, wind, gas shortages and power outages.

  • Plan ahead by consulting with a disaster recovery company regarding business continuance and recovery of property.


  • Continuously monitor weather reports and follow the local authority’s order regarding evacuation.

  • Clients of Cotton Global Disaster Solutions will also receive alerts ahead of the storm and guidance on how to prepare your property for potential weather threats.

  • Store computers, business records and other important assets in a safe area within the property or off-site.

  • Where possible, board up windows and protect doors.

  • Move vehicles away from flood zones or to upper levels of parking garages.

  • Run elevators to an upper floor and cycle doors shut.


  • Know the difference between a severe weather watch, warning, and advisory and how to respond to each.

  • If remaining on the property, take shelter in a secure area with no windows.

  • Listen to emergency broadcast stations for instructions and remain in shelter until storm winds have subsided.

If you haven’t already consulted with a disaster recovery company, now is a great time. Contact the Cotton GDS experts today at 877-511-2962 or click here for more details.

Once the storm has passed and you’ve ensured your employees are safe, it’s time to begin the recovery and restoration process. Read our blog, How to Recover Your Business After a Storm, to learn about the next steps.